âŦ†ī¸Set up Aggregated Event Measurement

About Aggregated Event Measurement for IOS devices.

Aggregated Event Measurement will let you send up to 8 different Pixel Events or Conversions per domain according to their priority. This only applies to IOS users who opted out of tracking. If a shopper takes multiple actions on your site within the conversion window, only the highest priority event will be sent. 📝For example, if the shopper makes it to the thank you page, only the purchase event will be used for retargeting or optimization, even though they did go through view content, add to cart, or other upper-funnel events.


  • You need to have admin access to the Business Manager account.

  • Your Business Manager must have access to the Facebook Pixel you want to configure the AEM for.

Configure 8 events/conversions in Aggregated Events Measurement

Go to Web event configuration

Select the events you want to prioritize for targeting and optimization

Can I select custom events to prioritize in the AEM?

You can't directly select them but they're available for prioritization. Just create a custom conversion based on the custom events first, then you'll be able to select that custom conversion as 1 prioritized conversion.

Custom events: if you have some custom click events you want to track, definitely check out how to do that with Two Owls 👇

🎆Custom events

Last updated