πŸ’‘Create a Facebook Pixel (now with Datasets)

Facebook has updated something, but we got you

Create a Facebook Pixel (now with Dataset)

πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰This doc explains how to best create a Facebook Pixel ID that works with Omega, following up on the current Facebook shift from Pixel to Datasets

The new and (somewhat) confusing Facebook Pixel creation flow

Unless you live under a rock, you know that the β€œAdd” button under your Pixel Tab inside Facebook Business Manager has been grayed out.

❓Does that mean you can no longer track & optimize your Facebook Ad with event data? Of course not, otherwise the Facebook Ad business would go out of business.

What’s happened? πŸ‘€

Pixel has got a new home - within datasets

Simply put, a Pixel ID is a box ID that houses all your website data.

πŸ’‘Now that box moves into an even bigger container, a warehouse aka the dataset. Within this warehouse, your website data can live alongside mobile app data (if you have one), offline data (like in-store purchases), and messaging events. For the record, Omega only sends web events.

πŸ‘‰The results? All these 4 data sources will live under the same dataset ID, which means, your pixel ID is now the Dataset ID.

Create a new dataset ID (step-by-step guide) to use with Omega

Step 1: In your business settings, go to Data sources -> Datasets

Step 2: Click "Add" to create a new dataset that houses your pixel data (website data)

Step 3: Name your dataset, then click Create

Step 4: Copy this dataset ID and pass it to Omega as Pixel ID

The Omega in-app setup flow remains the same once you get the ID, so you can follow our guide here.

▢️Get your Pixels ready

Step 5: Follow the test events guide (unchanged) to verify if your pixel is working

πŸ”¦Monitor what's sent

Once your pixel is ready (with Conversion API enabled), your Overview tab should look something like this:

πŸŽ‰That's it! Contact us via the in-app chat if you need anything. Our support team is always ready to help!

Last updated