Event Match Quality (EMQ)
In Facebook's own words:
Event Match Quality indicates how effective the customer information sent from your server may be at matching event instances to a Facebook account. High-quality event matching may improve ads attribution and performance
Simply put, the higher the EMQ, the more indication that the server events you send are packed with insightful matching keys for Facebook to trace back the events to the users and the campaigns/ad clicks.
What matching parameters is Two Owls sending for my events?
📝Non-purchase event: For events that happen earlier in the funnel, like page view, view content, add to cart, and initiate checkout, we are sending these matching parameters beside all the event parameters:
IP address
User-Agent (browser information)
📝Did you know? The above 4 keys are the most fundamental for a match to happen, meaning that's the bare minimum that a server event should carry.
📝Purchase event: Two Owls CAPI ensures 100% purchase tracking by combining pixel data and order webhook integration.
Will Two Owls CAPI events improve my Event Match Quality?
First off, to get a 10 out of 10 scores for EMQ, you have to ensure that all available customer data parameters are sent with 100% of server conversion events. That's almost impossible with higher funnel events.
Last updated
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